Helicopter flights to Catalina Island

Let’s face it. If you suffer from seasickness and can’t abide the many remedies available, the ferry to Catalina Island is a daunting prospect. Mal de mer, as the French put it, has inspired more than a few people to seek alternative transportation to Catalina.
Luckily that alternative has plenty of other benefits. Island Express Helicopters offers not only a quick trip to Catalina Island, but also the opportunity to experience unparalleled views of Catalina Island, the Southern California mainland and the Pacific Ocean. Soaring high above the sea presents the opportunity to see a wealth of marine traffic as well as the occasional whale or pod of dolphins.
Island Express offers scheduled service from its own heliports in Long Beach and San Pedro. On demand charter service is also available from John Wayne Airport in Orange County and Bob Hope Airport in Burbank. The helicopters land at the Pebbly Beach heliport, just a few minutes taxi ride from the heart of Avalon.
Getting to Catalina Island takes as little as 15 minutes from Long Beach and just a few minutes longer from the other locations. Travelers can book transportation to Avalon on Island Express by clicking here.